Dentist Norwood: Dental Care for Children’s Dentist Norwood

Children can be especially susceptible to dental problems because of their inexperience with oral health care. Several factors influence their oral health, including eating habits. Sticky, sugary foods can be harmful to their teeth and gums.

dentist NorwoodFear and anxiety toward dental visits are common among many children and adolescents. The negative impact of these emotions on future behaviours has been documented. Providing accurate information may reduce children’s anxieties. For professional children’s dentist Norwood services, check this out.

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide is a colourless gas that produces euphoria and relaxation when mixed with oxygen. Dentists and doctors use it to sedate patients undergoing specific procedures. It is also abused recreationally, often by inhaling from nitrous oxide cartridges (also known as whippets or bulbs).

Pure nitrous oxide displaces oxygen and can result in asphyxiation. Nitrous oxide is a potent greenhouse gas and is the third most important contributor to climate change behind carbon dioxide and methane.

Dental Hygiene

Dental hygiene is preventative care that helps reduce or even eliminate oral health problems like cavities, gum disease and bad breath. It also involves regular visits to the dentist for X-rays and cleanings.

To become a dental hygienist, you’ll need a high school diploma and a degree from an accredited program. City Tech offers a bachelor’s degree in dental hygiene, including classroom courses, supervised clinical experience, and the opportunity to practice at our patient care clinic. For professional children’s dentist Norwood services, check this out.

Dental Exams

Dental exams can catch issues before they develop into more severe problems, such as tooth decay or gum disease. They are also a great way to introduce children to their dentist’s sights, sounds and faces.

A comprehensive exam is more in-depth than a regular checkup and cleaning. It involves an assessment of the teeth, mouth and jaw and a complete set of X-rays.

Dental Cleanings

Getting routine dental cleanings, or prophylaxis is a preventative measure to protect teeth against decay and gum disease. Regular dental cleanings allow dentists to observe changes in your child’s mouth.

Teeth cleanings can include X-rays to spot early signs of tooth decay, gum disease and other issues. Your dentist may also recommend molar sealants to protect hard-to-brush areas.

Dental Sealants

A dental sealant is an effective preventive treatment to reduce the risk of cavities. It creates a protective barrier against food particles, plaque and bacteria that can remain on the teeth and produce acid that weakens enamel, causing tooth decay.

Generally, children get sealants on their permanent molars and pre-molars when these teeth come in, but teens and adults with deep grooves, pits and fissures may also benefit from sealants. The procedure is quick, painless, and inexpensive.


Fillings repair damaged teeth. There are several types of filling materials, including composite resin and traditional amalgam. Composite resin is shade-matched to your tooth and is ideal for small cavities. For professional children’s dentist Norwood services, check this out.

Amalgam fillings contain mercury, which releases low levels of vapour that can contaminate your mouth when inhaled. It is best to have old amalgam fillings removed if possible. They are also prone to wear and fracture.


Crowns are used to repair damaged teeth. They can fix crooked or misshapen teeth and help with tooth sensitivity, infections, and other problems.

Our on-site CEREC machine can create a virtual design model of your tooth without needing impressions and then fabricate the restoration from a block of porcelain material. This is all done during a single visit!

Root Canals

Beneath the enamel and dentin of each tooth is a soft tissue called pulp. This contains blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue. When the pulp is exposed to bacteria, it can cause pain and inflammation.


While dentists always try to save teeth, there are instances where this is not possible. Some reasons for tooth extraction may include irreparable damage, severe overcrowding, or to prepare for orthodontic care.

A Dentist Norwood Is a Specialist That Treats Patients of All Ages

A dentist Norwood is a specialist who treats patients of all ages. They can provide all the services needed to keep your family’s teeth healthy and robust, including cosmetic options.

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